Administration » Guidance/Testing » Academic Support

Academic Support

504 Plan
504 plans are developed in an effort to eliminate the educational access gap present for students with a medical or psychological diagnosis.  If the child's diagnosis or disability is impacting the child's educational functioning, a 504 plan may be created in conjunction with your child's Guidance Counselor, teachers, and several additional staff members.  Contact your child's counselor for additional information.



I&RS is an academic and behavioral support system present in each of the RPSD schools.  The I&RS team works to identify and address behavioral, academic and health needs through a process outlined by the NJDOE.  Referrals to the I&RS team might also come from parents/guardians, teachers, and other school staff members.  

MTSS District Handbook 


The district MTSS plan was developed based on guidance provided by NJDOE. NJTSS is a framework of supports and interventions to improve student achievement, based on the core components of Multi-Tiered Systems of Support and the three tier prevention logic of Response to Intervention (RTI).  With a foundation of strong district and school leadership, a positive school culture and climate and family and community engagement, NJTSS builds on Intervention and Referral Services (I&RS) and gives schools structure to meet the academic, behavioral, health, enrichment and social/emotional needs of all students.