Departments/Services » Food and Nutrition » Apply for Free/Reduced Meals

Apply for Free/Reduced Meals

The federal government is no longer providing free meals for students.

The full charge for meal prices will resume. The price chart is listed below.


Apply for Free or Reduced Meals



  1. How do I complete a Meal Application?

    Only complete one application for the entire household, regardless if you have children who attend different schools within the district. Return the form to only one of the schools where your children attend.

    Online: Log into the Parent portal of Genesis and click on the Forms tab. In the Forms Library, you will see “Online Free and Reduced Meal Application”.

    Paper Meal Application - English
    Paper Meal Application - Spanish

  2. Is it mandatory to complete a meal application?
    Many of our educational programs are funded by the State of New Jersey. Therefore, our school district is required to collect household information for all students and our district utilizes the Meal Application to collect this data to apply for the state funding. While this form is not mandatory, we strongly request it be completed.

  3. I filled out my meal application online. When /how can I learn the result?
    You can revisit the Forms page of the parent portal in Genesis 3-5 business days after you submit the application and the status will be displayed in the same spot where the application was available.

    The official Letter of Eligibility is located in the Documents tab.
  4. I filled out my paper form and handed it into my child’s school. When /how can I learn the result?
    The school will be sending you your status result via postal service after processing the application. This process could take 1-3 weeks from the time you submitted your application. Contact your child’s school for follow up inquiries.

  5. If I am not eligible for free or reduced meals, what are the prices?

Price Chart


For additional Questions, please email [email protected]